Summer Workshop in Finance

Time: June 7, 2024

Place: Turku School of Economics (address: Rehtorinpellonkatu 3, Turku)

Objectives: The workshop is targeted for doctoral students in finance and economics. The workshop offers doctoral students a forum to present their research and to get in advance prepared comments from a senior researcher and other participants. Papers at a preliminary stage can be presented at the workshop too.

Call for Papers:


Arrival Instructions:

Workshop participants: Doctoral students and faculty members

Information for GSF students: The GSF will reimburse GSF doctoral students presenting a paper at the workshop for their travel costs (cheapest mode of transportation) and accommodation. The accommodation is booked by the GSF. No daily allowances will be paid. For instructions, please contact the GSF office in advance.

Registration and Paper Submission

Please register and/or submit your paper for the workshop through this link.

PhD students presenting a paper: Please submit your paper through the above link. The deadline for registrations is May 8, 2024. When registering, please provide a title and an abstract for your paper. Please send the final version of your paper in pdf-format to by May 29, 2024.

PhD students and faculty members participating without a paper: Please register through the above link. The deadline for registrations is May 8, 2024.

If you have any questions, please contact

Turku School of Economics
Photo: Hanna Oksanen/University of Turku Communications