Mikko Leppämäki


Graduate School of Finance &

Nordic Finance Network

PhD (Economics), London School of Economics

Research Interests:

  • Corporate Finance Theory
  • Contract Theory
  • Entrepreneurial Finance
  • Industrial Organization
  • Entrepreneurship
Mikko Leppämäki

Publications/Working Papers:

Skill Signaling with Product Market Externality, The Economic Journal, July 2009, with M. Mustonen

Union Power, Entrepreneurial Risk and Entrepreneurship, Small Business Economics, October 2009, with V. Kanniainen

Communication and Information Management: Organizations and Markets, CEPR DP 4072, with M. Castanheira, (newer draft under preparation)

Technological Progress and Organizational Change: Appearance and Disappearance of the Hierarchy (older version), with M. Castanheira

Incentives, information extraction and task assignments, with M. Mustonen

Do Shareholders Care about Corporate Investment Returns, Finnish Economics Papers, with O. Haltia

A Stock Option Based Incentive Scheme with an Endogenous Strike Price, with O. Haltia University of Helsinki, Department of Economics, DP # 480.

Non-Monetary Collusion and Optimal Use of Information

“Money or Reputation” – A Dynamic Model of Blackmail


A Theory of Spinouts, with T. Takalo and P. Mäkelä

Matching Entrepreneurial Talent under Uninformed and Informed Finance

Incentives and Learning about CEO-Firm Match

Old (Permanent) Working Papers:

Endogenous Market Transparency and Price Competition,with K. Kultti and E. Mauring

Leading Articles (in finnish) of The Finnish Economic Journal from 2002-2006:

Kohtuulliset ja Oikeudenmukaiset Optiot
Onko Omistajuudella Väliä?
Havaintoja Tutkijankoulutuksesta Suomessa
Pohdintaa Yksityisyydestä ja Henkilökohtaisen Informaation Käytöstä


Theoretical Corporate Finance (PhD course), Helsinki Finance Seminar (co-organizer), Summer Workshop in Finance, Winter Workshop in Finance and PhD Nordic Finance Workshop (co-organizer)

Mailing address:

Aalto University School of Business
Graduate School of Finance (GSF)
P.O. Box 21210
FI-00076 Aalto

Visiting address:

Ekonominaukio 1, 02150 Espoo
Office: Room T307 (3rd floor)

E-mail: firstname.lastname@aalto.fi