Corporate Risk Management

Time: 7.-9.5.2025

Place: Aalto University School of Business, Otaniemi, Espoo

Registrations: The deadline for registrations is April 21, 2025. See registration/application details at the bottom of the page.

Professor Kristine Hankins (University of Kentucky)

NFN Travel Grant:
NFN offers Travel Grants for attending PhD students in finance coming from Nordic institutions outside of Finland. To apply for the Travel Grant, please use the below form and send it to nfn (at)

12 h of lectures (12 x 45 minutes)

(Otaniemi Campus Map)
Wednesday7.5.202514:15 – 16:45V002, Ekonominaukio 1
Thursday8.5.202510:00 – 12:15 & 13:15 – 15:30V002 (Part I) & T003 (Part II), Ekonominaukio 1
Friday9.5.20259:00 – 13T003, Ekonominaukio 1

Course objective: Understanding risk and uncertainty is central to research in finance. As the nature of corporate risk evolves, so does our understanding of how firms respond to these challenges.  This course focuses on current topics in corporate risk and risk management, beginning with a brief overview of classic theory. We then will dive into the rapidly advancing literature on measuring risk and explore opportunities for generating new measures. Next, we’ll examine how firms manage risk, discussing both operational and financial hedging strategies. Throughout, the course will emphasize the use of innovative datasets to provide fresh insights into classic corporate finance questions and foster the development of new research ideas.

Syllabus: TBA

Access to the articles is subject to your home institutions’ subsciptions to the databases. Hard copies of all readings are available for consultation at GSF office (Ekonominaukio 1, room T317)

Lecture notes: TBA

The password for opening the files will be sent to the students.

Credit units: 3 ECTS cr.

List of participants: TBA

Participants: Doctoral students in finance. The course is also open for KATAJA as well as FDPE and Helsinki GSE students with sufficient background in finance and/or economics. The course is also open for foreign doctoral students given that there is space in the course.




  • Doctoral students of GSF, FDPE and Helsinki GSE: Please register through this link.
  • Doctoral students in related fields and doctoral students at foreign universities: Application form can be found below (both in PDF and Word format). In addition to the application form, please also send a report on the status of your doctoral studies, and a brief CV. Please also ask your thesis advisor to send us a short letter of recommendation by-email. All the required documents should be sent by e-mail to All applicants will be informed of their acceptance soon after the registration deadline.

The deadline for registrations to this course is April 21, 2025.